Weight Loss Camp Guest, Melissa from Nevada

Melissa from Las Vegas, Nevada has been to Unite Fitness Retreat three times.  She was so gracious to share her experience and why she continues to  choose Unite Fitness Retreat when she needs to reset.  We asked Melissa a few questions to start the conversation.

  1. Why did you start looking and ultimately decide to attend a weight loss resort or retreat?  Melissa describes a point after the pandemic where she didn’t feel like herself any more so she started researching fitness camps near Las Vegas.
  2. How did you end up deciding on attending Unite Fitness Retreat?  Melissa loves Utah, it’s one of her favorite places to go and a 50 minute flight from Las Vegas.  She read the great reviews and ultimately decided to give our retreat a try.
  3. How was your experience at Unite Fitness Retreat?  Melissa describes that attending Unite was one of the best experiences she’s ever had.  The team is fabulous, the chefs were fabulous, she says she can’t recommend the program enough, she said it was life-changing.   She was nervous the first time she came to camp, then she became so addicted to it, she came back two more times.
  4. How do you feel about going home, are you ready?  She feels like making sure your exit strategy is doable at home, she wanted to focus on her nutrition plan for home and feels ready to continue her healthy lifestyle in Las Vegas.

If you are searching for the ultimate weight loss camp to jump start your fitness goals, like Melissa, we’d love to chat with you and see if Unite Fitness Retreat may be the right fit, please call 866-589-5615 with any questions.